Our community partners are helping support SolutionHealth in our vaccination efforts!

At the COVID-19 vaccine clinics for employees at Southern New Hampshire Health, United Way volunteers have been helping make the process run smoothly. They have been greeting employees and making sure everyone is properly signed in when arriving at the clinic.

Ken Kravetz and Joanne Loughran, United Way volunteers, also stepped up to assist Southern last weekend after the New Hampshire National Guard alerted us that they had 48 leftover doses of the Pfizer vaccine that would expire if not administered before the end of the weekend.

Stacey Carroll, EMS Coordinator at Southern, helped coordinate that effort. “Not only are they volunteering their time to help us as a hospital, but also as a community. As my office is the next hall over from our clinics, I pass by these folks a number of times during the day. They fit in like they were staff, which for us means family, from the minute they got there. They were friendly, jovial, and incredibly helpful. You could see that they were genuinely happy to be there working with us, and we couldn’t have run such a smooth clinic without their help! I’ll miss the running jokes with some of them once our clinics close,” Carroll says about the United Way volunteers.

During the three-hour clinic over the weekend, 48 people who met the standards for Phase 1A and Phase 1B as designated by the state were vaccinated.

Eighty-one-year-old Kathleen Daughan and her husband George were among those who received their vaccine at Southern. “After I received the shot I just cried. It was such a relief. I feel fabulous and I have had no side effects,” Kathleen explains.

“We feel very fortunate and an enormous sense of relief to have received the COVID-19 vaccine. The people who gave it to us, all of them acted very professionally. I can’t imagine anybody doing a better job than what these people did. I can’t say enough good things about them,” George says about the experience.

The Daughan’s are scheduled to receive their second dose in a few weeks.

“Please get vaccinated, it could be of enormous benefit to you and your family,” says George.