The Smith family’s experience at The Elliot Hospital Neonatal Intensive Care Unit (NICU) has been one of hope, resilience, and exceptional care with the arrival of their newest member, baby Robert. Having chosen Elliot Hospital for the births of all their children, the family’s trust in the hospital proved invaluable during a critical moment.

Unexpected Complications

Robert entered the world this fall through a carefully planned c-section just before his due date. However, the joyous occasion took a sudden turn as his underdeveloped lungs posed an immediate threat. As his umbilical cord was cut, Robert failed to breathe, his tiny body turning a distressing shade of purple. The quick thinking of a vigilant delivery nurse who activated the alarm triggered a rapid response that would be critical in Robert’s fragile beginnings.

Robert’s father recalls that “A team of doctors and nurses burst into the room,” seamlessly collaborating on life-saving measures. They breathed for Robert and swiftly transported him to the NICU, an environment that would become the family’s haven in the crucial days to come. Reflecting on the pivotal moment, Robert’s parents express their gratitude for being at Elliot Hospital, “We were lucky to be in a hospital with an outstanding NICU. I don’t think he would have survived transferring hospitals.”

Baby Robert Rallies

Once in the NICU, Robert’s battle for life began in earnest. Connected to an array of life-sustaining machines, the medical team delivered medicine to his underdeveloped lungs. The initial day and a half was touch and go. The NICU staff provided reassurance amid the uncertainty of Robert’s prognosis. Projected to spend weeks in the NICU, Robert defied expectations, displaying remarkable strength that saw him deemed healthy and ready to go home after a miraculous six days.

Dr. Matthew Ryzewski, Elliot Neonatologist stated: “It was our pleasure taking care of Robert and his family. Our approach to any sick baby is team-oriented. We believe that this unified collaboration gives our region’s most vulnerable patients the opportunity for the best outcome.”

Happy at Home

Now home with their healthy son, the Smiths commend the entire NICU staff for their outstanding commitment to their Robert’s well-being. A special mention is reserved for Nurse Practitioner Amanda, who they describe as “intense and experienced”. The family attributes Robert’s triumphant journey to her and the NICU team, stating unequivocally that he owes his life to their expertise and dedication.

Learn More About the Elliot Hospital NICU